Government Links
Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Senator Gary Peters
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Congressman Jack Bergman
Representative John Damoose
City of Harbor Springs - City Hall: 231-526-2104
Emmet County - County Clerk's Office: 231-348-1744
State of Michigan Tax Forms
IRS Tax Forms
Express Secretary of State - Reduce your wait and check out the wide variety of activities you can accomplish online such as renewing your driver's license or state ID, renewing vehicle or watercraft tabs, and applying for a duplicate title or registration.
Harbor Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Events Calendar - find events in Harbor Springs
Harbor Light Newspaper Calendar of Events
Emmet County Recycling Services
Support Services
Connect with local human services: Call 2-1-1
Apply for benefits you need online at MiBridges - find financial assistance for health insurance through the health insurance marketplace
Michigan Legal Help - Free information and referrals to aid Michigan residents in resolving legal problems
MyFreeTaxes - free resource to file taxes online.
WOCTEP - financial support for career oriented training and certificates.
HarborActive - Face to Face Digital Literacy Training Seminars
North Central Michigan College
Michigan Teaching Degrees and Programs