Michigan eLibrary - MeLCat
The Harbor Springs Library has been participating with the Michigan Electronic Library Catalog (MeLCat) system since 2013. MeLCat is the Michigan eLibrary, an anywhere, anytime library for Michigan residents. MeLCat contains magazine, newspaper and journal articles, books, and evaluated websites. MeLCat can be used by any citizen of the state at no charge 24 hours/day. MeLCat includes specialized resources such as those in genealogy, health, business, test preparation, careers and education. MeLCat also contains many general resources that cover all subject areas and has resources specifically for children and older students. MeLCat also provides eBooks and on-line courses.
MeLCat is a project of the Library of Michigan, an agency of the state government. The Library of Michigan contracts with the Michigan Library Consortium and partners with a number of Michigan organizations and institutions to provide the MeLCat service.
MeLCat allows you to search all the libraries in Michigan; find librarian-recommended sites on the Internet, and search databases in a wide variety of subject areas. The main areas included are:
How To Use MeLCat
- Check the Harbor Springs Library's catalog first to see if what you're interested in is available.
- If your item is unavailable, search for it in the MeLCat system by clicking here.
- Once you find the item that you're interested in, click the "Get this for Me!" box.
- In the pop up box, choose "Harbor Springs Library" from the drop down menu.
- Enter your name and patron number.
- Click Submit!
Once the request is submitted, the item will arrive in Harbor Springs in 5-10 days and we will call you to come pick it up. If you don't know your Patron number, you can call us at 231-526-2531 and we'll get it to you right away.